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Cubic Yard Calculator

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Available Materials

Red Mulch

$32.5 Per Yard

Color Enhanced Magic Red Mulch is an environmentally friendly mulch made from dyed hardwood. The colorant will maintain a rich color all season and is not harmful to the environment or landscapes.

Black Mulch

$32.5 Per Yard

Color Enhanced Magic Black Mulch is an environmentally friendly mulch made from dyed hardwood. The colorant will maintain a rich color all season and is not harmful to the environment or landscapes.

Brown Mulch

$32.5 Per Yard

Color Enhanced Magic Brown Mulch is an environmentally friendly mulch made from dyed hardwood. The colorant will maintain a rich color all season and is not harmful to the environment or landscapes.

Shredded Hardwood Bark

$29 Per Yard

Shredded Hardwood Mulch is a double-hammered, finely ground oak product which is good for using on slopes and in areas where erosion may occur.

Top Soil - Screened

$26 Per Yard

This top soil is sifted through a screener. It is free of big lumps or debris.

Top Soil - Unscreened

$12 Per Yard

This top soil has not been screened. It is typically soil that is stripped of a property prior to excavation. It may have small wood debris and chunks of grass/sod chunks.

Fill Sand

$9 Per Yard

Fill sand is a common material used in both residential and commercial construction projects. It is typically used as a base material for driveways or homes. It is the cheaper sand, because it has not gone through a screening process.

2NS Sand / Washed

$30 Per Yard

2NS sand is typically used for drain fields and septic systems, as well as for pathways and walkways.

Beach Sand

$42 Per Yard

Beach sand is a screened product producing the finest/smallest grains of sand which is perfect for any type of beach or athletic activity.

1" Washed Stone

$66 Per Yard

This is a washed or dry screened clear round stone, ranging from 1” to 1 1/2”.

2" Washed Stone / 1" - 3"

$74 Per Yard

This rock is screened from sand and gravel to a top size of 3” and anything smaller than 1” in size is removed leaving you with pure, mostly-smooth rocks with virtually no fines.

6" Round Stone

$82 Per Yard

Create a natural landscape feel using these beautiful, locally mined 4" - 6" Field Stone rocks. It is the ideal rock for around buildings and driveways. It does not wash away in rain storms, or move when blowing leaves away.

22AA Road Gravel

$39 Per Yard

1” crushed stone with a mixture of sand, and clay. Clay content is normally 4-8%. Compacts very well. Good for starting a new driveway and parking lots.

21AA Crushed Concrete

$51 Per Yard

21AA Crushed Concrete is great for drainage which makes it the right solution in wet areas. It is often used as a surface for driveways or parking lots.

Crushed Asphalt

$60 Per Yard

Milling is the process of removing the top layer of asphalt to a specified and even depth without disturbing the underlying subbase.

22AA Crushed Limestone

$70 Per Yard

Is a ⅝” - 1” white limestone stone, mixed with its fines. It is a beautiful white material that packs well. We commonly use it on driveways.

Limestone, 5/8" Clear

$78 Per Yard

This limestone is a crushed rock that is light gray in color. It is commonly used on driveways, walkways and landscape projects. It is small in size and finishes off fairly smooth when leveled and compacted.

22AA Slag

$58 Per Yard

This is a pretty gray in color stone and fines. Normally used for driveway or construction drives. It is a by-product formed in the production of iron, copper and steel.

1" x 2" Dolomite RR Ballast

$78 Per Yard

Dolomite is a beautiful material that is great for making natural pathways, patios and decorating garden & landscape areas. Dolomite is known for its beautiful white color range, which makes it popular in concrete, stonework, and other hardscape mediums.

Pea Stone

$54 Per Yard

Used commonly in drainage projects or the need for instant compaction. Shades of gray blue red pea gravel is beautiful material for natural pathways and patios and garden landscape areas.

Boulders 6" - 12"

$25 Each

A large decorative boulder that has several hues of red, grey, and tan.

Boulders 12" - 18"

$50 Each

A large decorative boulder that has several hues of red, grey, and tan.

Boulders 18" - 24"

$75 Each

A large decorative boulder that has several hues of red, grey, and tan.

Boulders larger than 24"

$100 Each

A large decorative boulder that has several hues of red, grey, and tan.